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Squad Democrats Launch All Out War Against SCOTUS

You must offer it to them. Some members of our Congress have no trouble coming up with inventive ways to waste tax dollars.

Let’s start with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who on Wednesday filed articles of impeachment against Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito of the Supreme Court. This action is the result of numerous Supreme Court decisions that have left progressives all over the country with rivers of tears in their eyes.

Ocasio-Cortez cited accusations of improper behavior about Thomas’s friendship with millionaire Harlan Crow in her submission, a topic Democrats have been bringing up for more than a year. According to the records, Thomas neglected to declare a number of presents from his buddy, which included journeys to Greece, New Zealand, and Indonesia. It also included the justice’s nephew’s tuition fees.

According to the lawsuit, “Judge Thomas and his wife Virginia Ginni Thomas have received gifts from Harlan Crow of substantial value over the period of at least 15 years without declaring the source description and value of such gifts.”

The congressman also charges Thomas with making decisions that were improperly influenced by Crow. She asserts that the judge “frequently embraced” the AIE’s viewpoints. Crow had been on the organization’s board of directors.

The complaint details Thomas’ purported inability to “disclose the 2014 sale of a home and two vacant lots previously owned by Justice Thomas and two family members to Mr. Crow for $133,363, an amount much higher than the amount that Justice Thomas valued his one-third ownership in the properties in 2010” and “significantly higher than the price of other properties in the neighborhood.”

The articles brought against Alito focus on his alleged unwillingness to step down from cases in which he had personal prejudice or bias against a political party. The controversy around Alito (or his spouse) hanging an American flag upside-down outside his home caught Ocasio-Cortez’s attention. She claims that this shows support for the movement to nullify the results of the 2020 presidential election.

“Justice Alito permitted an American flag to fly upside-down outside his main property for a few days in January 2021. In the aftermath of the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, which took place just before Justice Alito permitted the flags to fly outside his home, those who supported the criminal efforts to overturn the 2020 election results were known to have flown an upside-down American flag as a symbol of their support.

In defiance of his constitutional oath of office, the congressman claims that by flying this flag, “he expressed sympathy for domestic enemies of the United States, some of whom engaged in an uprising at the U.S. Capitol building.”

Democrats mistakenly expressed their outrage over the UpsideDownFlagGate incident, urging him to distance himself from any cases involving former President Donald Trump and the violence in the Capitol building on January 6.

Alito essentially instructed them to ignore the situation. An “empathetic individual, not driven by political or ideological factors or a desire to influence the resolution of matters before the Supreme Court, would determine that this occurrence does not meet the appropriate threshold for recusal,” he maintained.

This endeavor is obviously futile, and AOC is aware of this. The politician seems to be tired of not being in the spotlight as much as she was when she first joined Congress and is trying to figure out how to get back there with taxpayer money.

Author: Scott Dowdy

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4 thoughts on “Squad Democrats Launch All Out War Against SCOTUS”

  1. Working from home, I earn $165 per hour. When my neighbor told me she was now making an average of $95, I was very astonished, but now (ubd-83) I understand how it works. I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer.

    I carry out the action>>>

  2. I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone that sits in any judicial seat .
    They have literally screwed every legal American. Kamala is an illegal and is not suppose to be VP or President She also having been a DA in California . Holds the record of more blacks being put into prison Than all the DA’s across America put together. So people of color you still want her in our house. If you see the connection between the half Black illegal Obama and Ahab And Jezebel in relation to 98% of all judges across America. That connection is what Bill Clinton meant when he said on the 3rd day of his first term.
    It’s not money that gives you power ! It’s what you know . And the blackmail continues . And being a true fact ! Jezebel owns and operates the worlds largest child sex trafficking organization . Disney is #2 . And were frequent abusers of little children on Epstein island Of which they were his benefactors . Guess who supplied the children to every pervert in DC and around the world . Not one charge from any judicial ever comes or gets any charges upon them for their list of crimes.
    I saw this draft dodger who ran to Russia to hide come into our government . Bill was pardoned by Jimmy Carter. Ahab came out of nowhere like the half Black with the man wife . Ever ask how they get by . Especially when the evil which no judge or corrupt DA brings any charges for not only those crimes But 162 dead people and millions of dollars of aide money they stole.That was to be sent to Haiti . And the set up of Obama and Hillary’s gun deal gone wrong . Or Obama’s 350,000 unvetted Illegal Muslims or the plane load of Unmarked bills to Iran . Which is used to create not only weapons to kill Americans but Israelis. And they purposely had Ambassador Stevens and the military they deliberately murdered . With their stand down. Stevens was brutally killed. All while Obama was poking Rom Emanuel. And Hillary Clinton was no where in site.
    Or Bills Murder of the Rubyridge And the people of Waco
    Now we have Magoo openly committing treason And personally responsible for two teams of seal team six being murdered and Afghanistan and his list is like the Obama’s and Clintons . There is nothing but wussies And wannabe dictators and perverts throughout our entire country . Filled with demon judges Starting with John Roberts who is a big donor of Planned Parenthood. Who had to be the leaker who had access to the documents about the abortion ruling.
    Tell me again why we need any Nazi Terrorist Government? And I mean every person who is suppose to work for legal Americans Not Just blacks and illegals. That sit in these positions are the criminals using criminals to kill the rest of us . Of which those groups Antifa and BLM are let go by these same evil judges and DA’s
    Open your eyes. And see and hear . Or be led by those who think you are too stupid to actually see and hear What they are actually telling you that you didn’t .
    Are there any Americans who still have a brain to think with left Among those who can’t tell what their own gender ?

  3. I want the Squad democrats removed from office and Deported. They are breaking their Oath, trying to destroy the Constitution. Remove them from office.

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