REAL Indian Dogs Elizabeth Warren As “Fake Indian” In Senate Bid

For all the benefits Sen. Elizabeth Warren gained by falsely claiming she is of Native American descent, she will forever be shackled with the embarrassing nickname “Pocahontas” leveled by Pres. Donald J. Trump.

But what has made matters far worse than others the president poked and prodded with catchy monikers is the fact that the not-so-distinguished senator from Massachusetts finds herself running against a self-described “REAL Indian.” As Robin Williams comically said in the film Good Will Hunting, “dots not feathers.” In other words, the Independent candidate in Massachusetts giving Pocahontas fits is not a Native American, but an Indian-born immigrant.

‘REAL Indian’ Candidate Throws Shade

Senate candidate Shiva Ayyadurai is a foreign-born entrepreneur and inventor who went through the lawful process to become an American citizen. The disgrace Warren has brought on herself for taking advantage of the unsubstantiated Native American claim has not been lost on the savvy Independent. The 54-year-old upstart launched a political attack campaign that states: “Only a REAL INDIAN can Defeat the Fake Indian.”

After the attack ads gained local notoriety, Warren’s liberal buddies appear to have come to her aid in the Commonwealth to silence Ayyadurai.

A Cambridge building inspector has issued a citation against Ayyadurai to remove a campaign bus that mockingly depicts Warren in a full-feather headdress. The local, non-elected bureaucrat took exception to lampooning the left-leaning Warren, and issued a $300-per-day penalty and order to remove the signage on the campaign bus. It doesn’t take a rocket science to connect the “dots,” so to speak.

Just like the Washington, D.C., swamp, liberal operatives are more than willing to leverage government resources against non-Democrat candidates. The Cambridge building inspector appears to be engaged in a low-level effort to stymie opposing views.

Based on a ridiculous claim that Ayyadurai needs a permit to lawfully park a vehicle with a sign on it, inspector Branden Vigneault reportedly says that the vehicle runs contrary to building codes. This is a particularly curious assault on a non-liberal candidate because cars, trucks and buses are not for building inspectors to inspect. Regardless of whether the upside-down bureaucracy in Cambridge has building inspectors dealing with buses and meter maids checking fire escapes, Ayyadurai has filed a civil lawsuit asserting his First Amendment rights are being violated.

Facts Behind The Senate’s “Fake Indian”

If political fact-checking was a baseball game, Democrats would like nothing more than an umpire from the left-leaning PolitiFact. That being said, even the notoriously anti-conservative biased organization could not pull Sen. Warren out of the fire on this one.

Although PolitiFact managed to headline its assessment of Warren’s Native American claims a Trump “insult,” they were unable to find a shred of supporting documentation. According to PolitiFact, “Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans . . . That genealogical claim has zero documentary evidence to back it up, according to a PolitiFact review of news and newsletter databases back to 1986.”

Despite the erroneous claim, Warren insisted to the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard she was of Native descent, and claimed to be Cherokee in an Oklahoma cookbook called “Pow Wow Chow.” (You just can’t make this stuff up.) The façade was going along just fine until then-candidate Trump skewered her over the faux claim and forever dubbed her “Pocahontas.”

Trump’s relentless fake Indian mockery appears to have caused the liberal darling to abandon any hope of gaining the Democrat nomination for president.

Will Warren Get Kicked Off The Reservation?

Although Ayyadurai is running on a shoestring budget as an Independent in the overwhelmingly liberal Cambridge area, he does have a few things in his political arsenal.

The first thing that may attract voters to Ayyadurai is his stinging sense of humor. The anti-Warren banners are laugh-out-loud funny. The MIT graduate, who holds four degrees including a Ph.D. in bio-engineering, once sent Warren an Ancestry DNA test and posted the unused receipt on Twitter. He tweeted how “deeply saddened” he was that Warren had not accepted his gift and taken the test.

~ Liberty Planet

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