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MORE CORPORATE SATANISM: Monster Energy Drink Delivers Cryptic SATANIC Messages Nobody Even Noticed for the LAST DECADE

It’s no secret that companies have been working on the public for years through advertising, to subliminally program us to buy their products. 

But what if they’ve been hiding secret, sinister messages on our beverages and we’ve been completely unaware of it this entire time?

Monster Energy drinks, according to an op-ed written by S.D.Wells of Natural News, points out the symbolism behind the brand and it’s quite frankly, shocking. 

Wells writes: 

“Let’s take a really close look at the Monster Energy drink logo, slogans and filthy language used on their cans and cartons that promote evil thinking and sugar addiction. First, there is a gap in the letter “M” at the top. It’s not connected. The “M” in Monster has a short top, and a long tail, just like the letter “vav” in Hebrew, that also represents the number 6, which means the “M” in Monster is another symbol for “666” that’s embedded on every Monster can, the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation.” 

“Plus, the Hebrew name “vav” denotes the “joining” letter that means “hook,” so subliminally, Monster Energy is telling you you’re hooked on the drink and the satanic ritual of drinking it. Are you addicted to “beastly energy?” 

“Next, the “O” in Monster displays a cross. It’s an “anti-Christ” message so when you tip the can upside down to drink it down, the cross is upside down (hence witchcraft symbolism in action), while you “Unleash the Beast,” according to the top Monster slogan written on the cans and cartons. Are people perishing for lack of knowledge, like Jesus said?” 

Sounds pretty bad, doesn’t it?

One might wonder why anyone would do such a thing, but when you consider the fact that the top of the heap in all things – the elites – who are Luciferians or better known as Satan worshippers, it’s not that surprising. 

Corporations have long put chemicals in our food and drink and the rapid rise in obesity, heart disease, diabetes and the like, seem to be yet another tool of Globalist oligarchs to kill us all off, especially in the West. 

The corporations have intentionally done this to make us addicted to these food and drink items, to keep us hooked, the longer we consume them, the more likely we are to develop long term problems that will shorten our lives. 

The introduction of Satanic symbolism into the mix, just makes it that much more terrifying. They really do want to send you to hell. 

Did you really think you loved the taste? Do you really think Monster Energy drinks or Red Bulls or McDonald’s actually taste good? It’s not the taste you love, it’s the carefully constructed ingredients that have you acting like a crack-addict when you don’t get it. 

Sugar messes with your neurotransmitters in your brain, releasing endorphins when you consume it, much like the effects of cocaine or heroin. Withdrawals from sugar can be very much like the withdrawals from those drugs. 

That’s what these Energy drinks are doing to your body. Hyping you up on endorphins with a sugar spike, then crashing you when it runs out. 

Weaning yourself off can cause nausea, fatigue, headache, muscle cramps, bad breath, weakness and constipation of diarrhea. 

Wells finishes his op-ed by stating: 

“Evil corporations like Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar pour cash into marketing to youngsters at extreme sports events and music festivals, and through social media. Bottom line is read the ingredients on everything you (and your children) consume. Evil is as evil does, so quit tipping that cross upside down and getting bad energy from bad sources.” 

Could not agree more.

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4 thoughts on “MORE CORPORATE SATANISM: Monster Energy Drink Delivers Cryptic SATANIC Messages Nobody Even Noticed for the LAST DECADE”

  1. I’ve always wondered how monster, red bull and Rockstar had the money to sponsor all that they do. Kinda makes sense now

  2. The Monster can looks evil, to begin with, young people think that’s cool, not realizing evil is evil, not a joke. My sister loved Code Red from Mountain Dew, when she first told me about it, I didn’t even know what she was talking about, lol. Seriously though, my sister had diabetes, was obese and had kidney disease, she died after getting the Pfizer vaccine, her kidneys tanked.
    In my family, we drink water, and some 100℅ juice, which is really hard to find, in any convenience store. We are the most educated society, and yet we are killing ourselves with this garbage. One of the last things my sister said was “I’m not going to die because I go to the doctor.” She lived a life of denial, hopefully someone will read this and actually hear the truth, and repent or change the self destructive direction they are going in.

  3. Yes I used to drink them until it started messing with my stomach and lower back then I did the research and found out about the markings on the can. It is evil the M is actually the Hebrew number 666 the cross is there as stated so when drinking it tips the cross upside down. Just another slap in Christ Jesus face. I did stop drinking them for good I don’t support evil. I encourage everyone to do you own research and see for yourselves.

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