Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott is fed up over President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates. Putting his words into action, the governor signed an executive order on Monday banning any group from requiring a vaccine mandate.
“In another instance of federal overreach, the Biden Administration is now bullying many private entities into imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates, causing workforce disruptions that threaten Texas’ continued recovery from the COVID-19 disaster,” Abbott said in the executive order.
To strengthen the situation, Abbott is planning a special session with state legislators to pass a similar law by elected officials.
Biden recently announced vaccine requirements for federal employees, as well as employees of companies with 100 or more workers. This was in addition to various requirements by the military and many private companies.
The issue came into the spotlight over the past weekend as Southwest Airlines, a Texas-based company, cancelled nearly 2,000 flights as employees refused to comply with the company’s vaccine mandate deadline.
The new executive order will offer welcome relief to many across the state, but only applies to any “entity in Texas.” This means federal workers and military personnel living in the state may still not be covered under the order.
Some reports argue the order also will not stop private businesses from requiring vaccinations of workers. Texas only has power to enforce withholding public funds from groups that receive state funding.
Details will have to be worked out in the special session and will likely face legal battles, but at least one governor is doing something to stand up for the rights of the people.
Many Americans hope Texas is one of many states that will stand up the reckless government overreach by the Biden administration.
Who cares if Pfizer just received full FDA approval? This doesn’t mean it should be required of any American. Abbott isn’t against people who want to take the vaccine. He’s opposed to companies requiring it.
Biden has the entire issue backwards. He recently said, “This is the worst kind of politics because it’s putting the lives of citizens of their states, especially children, at risk. And I refuse to give in to it.”
What’s the bigger risk? Taking away a person’s freedom and requiring a shot that is still less than two years old — or allowing people to decide? Who cares if Biden “refuses to give in?” This isn’t his call to make.
Americans cherish their freedom. When it is limited or removed, too many people roll over and give up. Instead, more Americans need to stand for their freedoms. If not, the growing evidence shows our freedoms will be taken away, along with more of our income, as expanded federal government programs require additional taxes.
The left’s economic moves also continue to drive inflation to record levels, meaning the money you do make is making less of an impact. We can’t bow down over a shot or over the other limitations coming our way from Washington. Like Abbott, we need to stand up and oppose what’s coming unless we’re simply ready to give up.
I agree with Gov. Abbott, no one in our government has the right to mandate what should be between the patient and their doctor. When are the American people going to wake up and see this fir what it is? I believe if all talk about the virus was banned from televison, radio, media, fb, and we weren’t hearing what may or may not be true, the virus would go away on it’s own. This virus is being used by the Democrats to gain more power over the people. When are we, the people going to stand up against this corrupt government and remind them they are elected to do the will of the people and I don’t believe we have seeing this happening since January. We pay the taxes that supports our government and it appears that this government is more likely to give our taxpayer dollars to our enemies to be used against us rather than for the good of America or we, the people. Time is running out.
I agree w/ Gov. of Texas on this issue, I live in the state of N.C. , I wish we had a Gov. who has the balls to stand for we the people of my state & not cave into Biden’s crap!!!!
Hurrah for Texas. Unfortunately I live in California where we have an egotistical, brain dead governor who is a worse control freak than Biden. Hopefully people will one day wake up!
I, for one, have NULLIFIED any and all federal and State attempts to reduce me to a SERF and will continue to do so until I die. LONG LIVE THE AMERICA I SPENT OVER 30 years defending.
to bad the one that calls himself president has no brains,only knows how to lie and steal from us. He should be in a
a nursing home for the poor, then he mght see how some people have to live.