Did Joe Biden BETRAY America in His Dealings with China?

Political opponents and biased media outlets sling a lot of mud and throw around a lot of exaggerated language. But it’s unheard-of to hear the term “traitor” associated with a former vice president.

With more than two years of distance from the Obama years, investigative journalists are now uncovering the underhanded dealings of Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden. The liberal and fake news media were willing to look the other way when the former Obama subordinate cut deals that threatened national security and siphoned money into the Biden family bank accounts. Without his boss to run cover for him, the truth about Biden’s lack of less-than-patriotic acts are starting to come light. Everyday Americans may be shocked and appalled about Biden’s treasonous abuses of power.

It’s no secret that Biden and former Secretary of State John Kerry made backroom deals with foreign governments that resulted in Biden’s son Hunter, and Kerry’s stepson Chris Heinz, securing millions in unearned money from the likes of Russian-linked Ukraine. But the ties to Communist China are just starting to come into perspective. Until recently, it was thought that the heirs of Biden and Kerry were running the same pay-to-play schemes in China as they did in Ukraine and other countries. But the graft and corruption with China look more like treason.

President of the Government Accountability Institute, Peter Schweizer, reportedly said that Biden and his son Hunter were Chinese government assets who were called upon to help the U.S. adversary acquire Henniges Automotive. The former U.S.-based company was considered a “dual-use” outfit that engaged in military technologies, American military technologies. Biden and his son were instrumental in clearing the way for the Chinese government-owned military contractor Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to secure a 51-percent stake in the U.S. company. The other 49 percent was reportedly gobbled up by Bohai Harvest RST, a firm owned by Hunter Biden.

“The Chinese government works to gain political allies in the United States by striking commercial deals with the family members of powerful politicians,” Schweizer said. “And exhibit A in that — it’s not even close when you look at the amount of money and the volume of deals that took place — is with Hunter Biden, with Joe Biden’s son, while he was vice president.”

If that deal looks eerily like corporate and military treason with Biden family fingerprints all over the crime, consider this: Bohai Harvest RST was reportedly funded with $1.5 billion coming directly from the Bank of China, which is owned and operated by the Chinese government.

“Clearly this was a Chinese effort to curry favor with the Bidens by helping make Joe Biden’s son rich,” Schweizer added.

In order for rival China to broker the deal with a U.S. military contractor, high-level approval from the White House and congressional oversight was required. As Schweitzer put it, “lo and behold, the Obama administration gave them exactly that approval.”

The approval was reportedly funneled through the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which enjoys an exemption from public scrutiny and transparency. This maneuver allowed the sale of a military contractor with technical knowledge about American weaponry to fall into the hands of enemy China as it was expanding its power in the China sea and beyond.

“CFIUS … is a very secretive body,” Schweizer reportedly said. “They don’t release any documents, generally. You can’t even obtain (documents pertaining to) everything they do through the Freedom of Information Act, and the rationale is, ‘Well, we’re talking about company secrets and technologies, so we don’t want to give away any of those trade secrets.’ The problem is this deal is that there’s no question that this purchase of Henniges had military application.”

As despicable as it appears that a sitting vice president’s son has been bought and paid for by a rival government, this occurred at a time when China was allegedly caught spying and stealing nuclear secrets from American companies. Hunter Biden was reportedly implicated in a deal brokered by Chinese General Nuclear in which the FBI arrested executives for trade secret theft. Biden’s son held a position on the nuclear outfit’s board of directors.

It’s important for Americans concerned about treason at the highest levels of government to know that Vice President Joe Biden was the Obama Administration’s point man on China. His son got rich. China secured American military assets and stole nuclear secrets. Do the math.

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