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Biden’s Dirty Secret Comes Out – Interviewer Reveals All

The host of WURD’s “The Source,” Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who recently interviewed Biden for the show, revealed that she approved four of the questions that she asked the president from a list that the White House supplied her during Saturday’s broadcast of CNN’s “First of All.”

While talking with Lawful-Sanders, host Victor Blackwell said, “Andrea, let me ask you about your interviews — you asked about four questions, and maybe that is what you are allowed to ask by the White House.” However, the interview questions were essentially the same: they asked about his accomplishments, the state of affairs in your respective states, the election’s implications, his assessment of his debate performance, and his advice to voters who might decide not to cast a ballot or believe their vote is meaningless. Did the White House ask you those questions, or did you have your own questions? Or did the campaign ask you questions before the interview?”

Lawful-Sanders responded, “I forwarded the questions for approval. They have my approval.”

“All right, so the White House supplied the questions to you before the interview?” Blackwell inquired.

Yes, Lawful-Sanders answered. “Out of the eight questions I received, I selected and approved four.”

Then Blackwell said, “All right. I only ask because I don’t know how the White House shows the President’s energy, vitality, and acuity by submitting questions ahead of time so he knows what to expect during the interview. I’m not criticizing either of you.

After that, Blackwell questioned Lawful-Sanders once more, without inquiring as to whether Ingram had received any queries from the White House.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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5 thoughts on “Biden’s Dirty Secret Comes Out – Interviewer Reveals All”

  1. The travesty brought upon America by Obama and the Democrats is unforgivable.They are all despicable individuals who has resorted to crime.

  2. Today I sit in Texas with no power. And the governor of Massachusetts that declared that state a sanctuary state! Until , they really became one . Wants the people of Texas to pay for their illegals . How about giving the border states that you constantly criticized the money you owe them for the last 50 yrs that the fools in DC plus you have been loading these states with. Houston that is 98% of illegals and the rest of the state are about to see. What it’s like when millions of illegals all on welfare and food stamps . March in to take what food there will be . Especially every family member has a grocery cart full of food that should be for Americans. Think of the food that has spoiled and will spoil due to this outage. Which in retrospect . Abbott is mostly to blame for this. He took millions of dollars and set up thousands of Windmills across Texas. A place that rarely gets much wind. Instead of enforcing the grid. Those things proved useless when the hard freeze hit 2 yrs ago And ! Well they are still useless In a storm that was downgraded to a tropical storm . Only a fool would vote for a democrat or a republican who is a democrat in disguise !
    And because there are 10 illegals to every legal Americans vote ! And everyone of these fools will vote for a democrat to keep their gravy train going. It makes our votes null and vote . As of now we have no votes. Which is this demonic putrid evil pile of perverts And treasonous elected idiots agendas. Now we have been totally wiped out in our own country.
    Ps 53v1 explains what a fool is. And we have millions that should be deported and some executed along with those in our chambers and judicial that have and are responsible for this invasion. It’s time legal Americans got tired of this. If we don’t . There will be no America
    Between Hunter the pervert criminal and Jill the fringe benefits adultness . Both of which are money hungry And neither one should walk away with one penny.
    I hate to say it. But there is none in the GOP that has accomplished anything but anus kissing. So don’t count on them
    It’s up to the real government. Which is the people . Not those who think they can dictate and rule.

    1. No more free shit for anyone. You had the kids you pay for them, you won’t work then starve, you brought them in , you pay for them out of your pockets or send back. I did not volunteer to take care of anyone but my family. So you freeloaders , go to work, or let families take care of you, no more free shit. Didn’t work , no social security ever.

  3. Working from home, I earn $165 per hour. When my neighbor told me she was now making an average of $95, I was very astonished, but now (ubd-83) I understand how it works. I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer.

    I carry out the action>>>

  4. Send the illegals back where they came frome. This is BS. Biden shouldnt be allowed to let them into OUR country. He SHOULD be removed from office. He isnt the one running our country anyway. This is rediculous!!!!!

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