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Establishment Plans Mutiny At GOP Convention

President Donald Trump’s sentencing will occur a few days before the July Republican National Convention (RNC). According to reports, Republican insiders are bringing in “sleeper delegates,” who will use Trump’s conviction as justification to go crazy on the convention floor and throw the conference into disarray.

Conspiracy theories in the mainstream media suggest that right-wing activists are opposing Republican delegate seats; however, the true opposition is coming from supporters of Nikki Haley, who are organizing a brokered convention to remove Trump and replace him with the former Boeing executive as the Republican nominee.

Haley’s campaign is already leveraging shaky polls to demonstrate how Trump is more susceptible in a general election due to his recent felony conviction; however, more recent polling indicates that the court processes were so skewed that Biden’s gains have been negligible at most.

In a public tweet, journalist Laura Loomer pointed out that Mitty Randhawa, the brother of Nikki Haley, revealed an evil scheme to remove Trump and install Nikki Haley at the RNC:

Randhawa seemed to acknowledge the existence of a conspiracy and boasted about it when interacting with Loomer on the X platform, according to Loomer’s investigation.

According to Loomer, “Nikki Haley’s campaign has approved this messaging from her brother regarding undermining President Trump’s support at the RNC Convention in July.”

“A group of Republican delegates are organizing an anti-Trump uprising in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to back [Nikki Haley] at the next Republican National Convention.” Regarding the developing plot to set up a brokered convention, Loomer stated, “The delegate slates are a mess! “If you know of a state delegate who is doing this, let me know, and we will make them famous!”

After Haley’s mediocre endorsement of Trump for president, Loomer remarked later that it “seems like Nikki Haley is trying to strongarm her way into being VP.”

After Donald Trump’s second term, Loomer claimed, “Her donors are trying to use the forthcoming RNC convention as a forcing function to have her nominated as VP and to ultimately make her the Dick Cheney.”

She went on, “She needs to publicly support Trump, pledge not to run for vice president, and promise not to use the convention as a shady means of securing a spot on the Trump ticket before it even happens.”

Don’t believe the fake news about a conservative uprising against Trump. At the RNC next month, neoconservative Nikki Haley supporters will pose the biggest danger to Trump.

Author: Blake Ambrose

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13 thoughts on “Establishment Plans Mutiny At GOP Convention”

  1. Working from home, I earn $165 per hour. When my neighbor told me she was now making an average of $95, I was very astonished, but now (ubd-83) I understand how it works. I now have a great deal of freedom thanks to becoming my own employer.

    I carry out the action>>>

  2. More I hear about Nikki Haley the lesser and lesser I like her. She needs to get her butt behind President Trump NOW !!! It seems that she is not a true conservative.

    1. She too is an illegal I have not forgot what she did to South Carolina.
      Being illegal means she has no skills n in the game
      A vote for her is like a vote for the treasonous moron Paul Ryan who gave Obama everything he wanted

    2. Folks, say goodby to the Republican Party. They are a bunch of knuckle heads who have been transformed into insanity. Corruption and our citizens. Good luck to Niki Haley, you have just handed the election to Joe Biden. What the hell were you thinking?

  3. if such a “revolution” is successful, the stupid Republican never-Trumpers are just handing the election to Biden! cut off your nose to spite your face – I hope they are happy with themselves! ugh.

    1. Republicans are good at that. Look what McConnell did during the last Senate Elections. That Prick cut off funding to Republican Candidates, who might have won if properly funded. Why? Because they were backed by Trump, and backed Trump in return. The Sleazy SOB even went as far as making a Public Statement that these people were “Bad Candidates”, and should not be elected for the Senate Seats. Basically Cocaine Mitch, Gave Biden a majority in the Senate, because he didn’t think he could control Trump backed Senators. What a A$$hole!!!

  4. She is not a Republican of any sort.
    She is a Democrat!!!!!!!always has been!


  5. Nikki Haley is, was, and always will be a RINO! While she may have some support out there, most of her supporters are Democrats who hate Trump and MAGA, who will probably not vote Republican in the General Election. So then Biden will win, and our country will be lost forever!

  6. She has always been a democrat. This kind of person is why illegals have no right to sit in positions over Legal Americans. As for myself . I remember her lies to the people of South Carolina .She Made The people believe she was a native. Instead she is a native of India ? Those who are going to destroy this election will send America into its demise. With idiots protesting and declaring their hate for this country who By the way still doesn’t have a dictator. Yet !!!! Well when you hand over our country to those that are going to get rid of you . Remember as you sit waiting on your personal demise. Everyone one of these behind this attack and every government employee has forgotten . They are sitting in our chambers . They are not there for any special group or illegals or other countries . And so far name one thing they have given Americans. The only thing we get is the bill for our own destruction laid on our backs . Simply all of legal Americans no matter their color are the ones they steal from . And take a salary they do not deserve. Republicans are the anus connections of the democrats So far name of thing besides flapping their lips they have accomplished . Democrats are about nothing but the total destruction Why do you think they are pushing a civil war and death to the unborn and the dumbing down of our young ? Yep that’s what they are about And republicans help them achieve it .
    Because JJ is a wussie . We still have Wray Who is still attacking Americans not killers or terrorists and making sure whistle blowers quite breathing. After his failure of not answering 3 Subpoenas. Which JJ had the right to arrest. Well . Look what he did !
    I for one am tired of voting for the same idiots expecting a different outcome

  7. The republican party has too many rinos in office. I vote republican but the rinos are still in that mix. Pretty sure they are not any different than the dimwit nitwits. But I have only one vote and for certain I will vote for Trump and research to prevent any choices on my ballot that include trouble for this country, state or Trump.

    And Nikki Haley is a solid rino, why even inject her into the conference? I guess the rinos would rather have Joe for four more years but they are as desperate as the dimwit nitwits and that desperation tells me the Trump train is going to be their end.

    I have not donated with the GOP for several years because of old dirty dog McConnell. I watched him give money from that fund to too many loser rinos so won’t give them more money to waste.

    These days I just detest the news and avoid listening to anything. Gonna vote for what I can stomach and have faith Trump will prevail and the criminal parties of rinos and dimwit nitwits will pay soon. The idiots forget that pendulm swings both ways. Something old nitwit Harry Reid learned the hard way!!

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